Large Gorget Style Necklace - moundbuilder serpent
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Large Gorget Style Necklace - moundbuilder serpent

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Large Gorget Style Necklace - moundbuilder serpent
Price: $240.00

This necklace feature mound builder style serpents and flying serpents.  These are transferred to the porcelain then hand painted with china paint.  They are all hand beaded.

This piece features a design element that was inspired by designs from gorgets, stone carvings or pots from the Mississippian period, which ranged from about 800 AD to around 1600 AD peaking about 1300-1600AD

The art from the central Mississippi valley includes a large variety of 'real world' beings such as fish, deer, rabbits, shells, gourds, and other animals as well as various mythical creatures such as the flying serpents, or dragon type creatures. These were depicted with a varying degree of realism.